<aside> <img src="/icons/die3_gray.svg" alt="/icons/die3_gray.svg" width="40px" /> WRB 1.2 - Patching


OK. I guess you just completed the previous step. I praise you. In this chapter, we will learn what is patch and how to patch something.

Patching (usually patching the program) means you change a certain code or data and save it. You’ll usually do patch some code, and seldom values. This time, you’ll patch “Hello World!” to some different string.

First, we should go basecamp (the main function) and find what is the pointer address of “Hello World!”. Let’s do it.


We see push helloworld.4092A0, which is the pointer address of the “Hello World!” string. Now all you have to do is just change its value to something else.

We can just press Ctrl + G in the dump section area. Also these are the commands we use for.

Edit Hex Ctrl + E
Edit Assembly Code Space
Jump to the address Ctrl + G